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Abstracts from files in info-mac/gui/ad as of Sun Dec 26 00:48:55 PST 1993
#### BINHEX accelerations-111.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 22 May 93 13:16:20 +0200
From: simula3@di.unito.it ( Rodella-Morena)
Subject: [*] Accelerations 1.11
Accelerations is an AfterDark™ module that shows some balls
moving in the screen with random accelerations. You can
change the number of balls, their size, the maximum
acceleration and the frequency of acceleration variations.
Shareware - $3
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
#### TEXT ad-faq-16.txt ****
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
Subject: Mac Screensaver/After Dark FAQ v1.6
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 93 22:13:51 GMT
To all site moderators:
Here's the latest version of the Mac Screensaver/After Dark FAQ - v1.6.
Since this FAQ tries to be all things to all screensaver users, I'd
be grateful if you could put a copy (AfterDarkFAQ16) wherever you keep
shareware After Dark modules, and another copy, or an alias (ScreensaverFAQ16)
wherever you keep other standalone screensavers. That way, the entire
audience it's aimed at gets to see it.
And please delete all old versions of the FAQ - 1.5 and earlier. I'll be
using archie to check.....
#### BINHEX after-dark-20-updt-102.hqx ****
From: Bradley Nation <bmnatio@somnet.sandia.gov>
Subject: AfterDark 2.0x Updater v.1.0.2
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1993 07:52:19 -0600 (MDT)
Here is the After Dark 2.0x Updater v.1.0.2 that fixed the problem I was
having with it and Fileguard. It is very easy to use. Just double on the
updater icon, then go under the file menu and click "update". It will
update afterdark and all the mods.
I was having problems with Afterdark and Fileguard. Everytime I restarted my Mac I had to reset all the Afterdark settings.
Here is the Afterdark updater that fixes the problem with Fileguard.
#### BINHEX after-dark-santa.hqx ****
From: Murph Sewall <Sewall@UConnVM.UConn.Edu>
An After Dark PICS Player document for the holiday season.
Santa's sleigh pulled by Rudolph with flashing red nose flys
in front of the moon. -- Have a Merry and a Happy
#### BINHEX aurora-borealis.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 17:30:53 -0800
From: dan@dino.gi.alaska.edu
Subject: Aurora AD screen saver
Included is an After Dark module which simulates the Aurora Borealis. The
module is freeware. There is also an order form for a book and a video from
the University of Alaska Fairbanks that describe the Aurora in detail.
Please place in your After Dark folder on the archive.
Dan LaSota
Dan LaSota
#### BINHEX automata-101.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 93 08:05:57 CDT
From: Garth Dickie <dickie@math.wisc.edu>
I am resubmitting this file, as compressed by the archivists
at mac.archive.umich.edu, because version 1.0.1 did not make
it to sumex. This is identical to the version currently at
Enclosed please find Automata 1.0.1, an AfterDark module.
This fixes a multiple-monitor bug, which also affected
operation under MultiModule.
-- garth
Automata is an AfterDark module which simulates three kinds of
1-bit cellular automaton. Life is John Conway's game of life,
and Anneal and Majority are simple neighbor-counting rules which
result in interesting images.
Automata generates only black and white images, and will run
fastest if your monitors are in 1-bit mode. It can simulate
automata with one cell for each pixel of your monitor, with
(what I believe to be) reasonable speed.
Automata is free for non-commercial use.
Send comments or bug-reports to "dickie@math.wisc.edu".
#### BINHEX bacteria-11.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 21 Jul 91 22:37:10 -0500
From: Dan Walkowski <walkowsk@ta1.cs.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Bacteria
Here's version 1.1 of Bacteria for the archive. Now the bugs have as many
colors as your monitor will allow.
Dan Walkowski
#### BINHEX barney-blaster-101.hqx ****
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: AD: Barney Blaster 1.0.1 module
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 93 15:57:40 CST
Subj: AD: Barney Blaster 1.0.1 module December 5, 1993
From: KarlBunker
File: Barney Blaster 1.0.1.sit (48251 bytes)
DL time (9600 baud): < 1 minute
Download count: 1222
Uploaded on: America Online
AUTHOR: Karl Bunker
NEEDS: Color Mac, System 6.0.5 or greater, After Dark 2.0u
NEEDS: AOL 2.0 or Stuffit Expander 3.x
SYSTEM 7: Compatible
TYPE: Postcardware AfterDark module
LIBRARY: MUT/Screensavers & Modules
Quite possibly the funniest and sickest After Dark module you'll ever see!
Called "The coolest AD module in the universe" by an editor on a competing
online service.
Every non-toddler's least favorite dinosaur finally gets his just desserts. With
Barney Blaster installed on your system, the big purple guy will appear on your
screen, chuckle (ugh), hop a few times (groan), and then, mercifully, get shot
in the gut with a delayed-fuse explosive projectile. The resulting blast blows a
hole in your display, and the cycle repeats.
Requires After Dark 2.0u or later, System 6.0.5 or later, and a color Mac. It
will look its best in 256 colors or more, but is also acceptable in 16 or 4
grays. This version (1.0.1) fixes a problem that caused 1.0 to freeze up on some
Free (PostCardWare).
Macintosh Utilities Forum AOL Keyword: MUT
This file has been checked for viruses with SAM 3.5.6 pms
Eric Hunt | ehunt@scsnet.com (preferred)
Southern Company Services | ehunt@bsc.edu
800 Shades Creek Parkway | "Opinions expressed are not
Birmingham, AL 35209 | those of SCS - I speak for myself"
#### BINHEX bat-signal-11a.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 20:38:52 bst
From: Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>
This is Bat Signal 1.1a, a Spotlight-like module for After Dark
and DarkSide.
Minor cosmetic improvement over 1.1 - the module now has
an appropriate icon.
PLease delete any old copies (1.1 and before) and copies of the
Bat Signal Icon.
I'm not the author - I just package and post.
Lloyd Wood
Screensaver FAQ author
#### BINHEX bat-signal-custom-icns.hqx ****
From macmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU Tue Aug 24 17:03:24 1993
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1993 10:09:27 -0400
From: gt3017c@prism.gatech.edu (William Homer Waits)
Subject: Bat Signal Icon
Here is a custom icon for the Bat Signal After Dark Module
by Subversive Software. I had asked that it be included
with upcoming versions of the AD module. It is under
consideration. I just wanted to share this for those who
felt that such a cool module should deserve a respectable
icon. Although this is freeware, it is copyrighted. The
Bat Signal AD Module is copyright by Subversive Software.
My hats are off to you guys. The only thing that I ask is that
you E-mail me and tell me what you think of the icon and that
you include the Read Me document upon further distribution.
I'm in the process of sprucing up my icons, and would like to
know if there is any interest out there. Hope you enjoy it.
My E-mail addresses are as follows:
gt3017c@prism.gatech.edu (good until about 6/94)
My snail mail address is:
William Waits
1471 Ashwood Way
Lawrenceville, Ga. 30243
#### BINHEX bg-mon-102.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 92 08:50:53 CDT
From: Josh (x7573) <golub@sgi.siemens.com>
Subject: bgMon 1.0.2
bgMon is an afterDark module that charts the usage
of the macintosh cpu as a waveform. the function of
the various controls should be straightforward.
send your comments and suggestions to-
joshua golub
1585 ridge avenue
evanston, il 60201
source code- available on request...
inspiration- a little-known app by mike engber...
changes in 1.0.2
bgMon addresses questions of burn-in with the 1.0.2 version.
a number of people have commented that the "black on white"
option is not at all useful, since it enhances the likelihood
of burn-in. as such, this option has been removed and replaced
with a "show status bars" checkbox. this checkbox controls
whether the upper and lower status bars are displayed. if you
are concerned that the status bars will burn in on the screen,
then deselect this checkbox.
changes in 1.0.1
bgMon is now "multimodule-friendly". in the 1.0.0 version, bgMon
would draw information in an incorrect portion of the screen
when run in multimodule mode.
bgMon now runs on non-color-quickdraw macintoshes, i.e. the
512ke, the Plus, the SE, and the Classic. in the 1.0.0 version,
it would crash on such machines.
------------------ CUT HERE ------------------------------------
#### BINHEX black-like-me.hqx ****
From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 93 17:04:11 EDT
Subject: BlackLikeMe AD module
BlackLikeMe - AD screensaver
This is a simple black-the-screen AfterDark module.
Someone asked for a use-no-cycles AD screensaver -
well ... here it is.
only requirement: you need a screen to blank :)
- joe
#### BINHEX blank-12.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 92 15:37:39 -0700
From: greg@gregs.smd.tandem.com (Greg Stewart)
Subject: After Dark Blank 1.2
Blank is an After Dark module which simply blanks your screen.
Sometimes you and your monitor need a break from cute critters
and swirling lines. Blank is also appropriate for machines which
do not have time to animate screen savers, such as file servers.
You may choose the color Blank uses to blank the screen. Black
is the default color. White works well on LCD screens.
Version 1.2 fixes an "unimplemented trap" problem on machines
without Color QuickDraw.
This module is freeware.
Greg Stewart
Tandem Computers Incorporated
19333 Vallco Parkway, LOC 3-01
Cupertino, CA 95014
#### BINHEX bounce-131.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 22 May 93 13:22:54 +0200
From: simula3@di.unito.it ( Rodella-Morena)
Subject: [*] Bounce! 1.31
Bounce! is an AfterDark™ module that shows some balls
bouncing around the screen, each with its own speed and
gravity acceleration. You can select the number of balls to
show, their size and the percent decay of their elastic
bouncing. The balls can either jump up again when their
bouncing is over or fall down from the screen's top.
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
#### BINHEX bouncing-polygon-21.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 1992 02:00:25 -0700
From: Gary Arnold <garya@ocf.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: Bouncing Polygon
Bouncing Polygon 2.1 After Dark module
By Gary Arnold, Banzai Software
This is an interesting little AD module I whipped up. It's my
first one, so let me know what you think! If you like it,
please send a few bucks to:
Gary Arnold Jr.
1000 Piner Rd.
Santa Rosa, CA 95403
Even if you don't like it, send me a postcard or Email, so I can
see how far and wide it has spread!
This module requires 256 colors/grays. (Sorry! :-)
Gary Arnold/Banzai Software
------- Cut here ---------- Cut here ---------- Cut here -------
#### BINHEX bungee.hqx ****
From macmod Wed Sep 1 17:30:56 1993
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 93 14:43:55 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: [*] AD Module Bungee Submission
In keeping with the serious professional nature of this forum, I submit
the BUNGEE After Dark module, downloaded from the Washington Apple Pi
bulletin board. Following is from the README:
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
No, I'm not the author
Bungee is a screen saver that depicts exactly what would happen if a
bungee jumper's cord suddenly snapped. Settings can be made to see a
man jump. When the cord breaks he falls to the ground with a grotesque
splat. You can also choose to see a cow jumping. When the cow hits
the ground it turns into a pile of steaks, hamburgers and sausages.
Another setting allows you to see what would happen if the cord didn't
snap but the man did instead. Of course for those that don't like the
blood and gore, a successful option is available where the jumper just
bounces on the cord.
Bungee requires After Dark 2.0u (or greater) for the Macintosh and
System 7 (or System 6 with 32 bit quickdraw) to run.
Bungee is shareware: $3.00 to Midnight Software.
#### BINHEX clouds-10.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 93 14:37:33 GMT
From: geisler@bogart.mpib-tuebingen.mpg.de (robert)
Subject: [*] Clouds
This After Dark module draws animated, fractal clouds.
Color QuickDraw is required, a 256-color monitor is recommended.
Clouds 1.0 is freeware (c) Robert Geisler, 1993.
Permission required for commercial distribution.
E-Mail: geisler@genvax.mpib-tuebingen.mpg.de
#### BINHEX crabs.hqx ****
From: alanc@ocf.berkeley.edu (Alan Coopersmith)
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 91 20:01:04 PDT
Subject: AD-Crabs_1.0.cpt.hqx
Crabs is a genetic simulation of a population of crabs. These crabs feed on
t he white pixels of the screen. When crabs are born, they are bright green
on a color Macintosh. When they reach maturity and start producing
offspring, they t urn bright blue or red. As they age, they become lighter
and lighter until they turn white and die. If a crab begins to starve, it
will turn bright yellow and slowly become lighter until it starves and
becomes white. Each crab has attributes such as size and metabolic rate
(which both affect speed), life expectancy, birth weight of offspring,
breeding cycle and movement patterns. These attributes are for the most
part inherited by the offspring with some random genetic mutations. The
rate of food production is regulated by the user.
This series contains six modules for use with the After Dark screensaver.
If you enjoy and use these modules please send $5.00 to:
Calico Publishing
12751 Woodford Way
Bridgeton, MO 63044
We will keep you informed about upgrades and future modules.
#### BINHEX dim-watts.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 7 May 92 06:56:08 -0700
From: rampil@cca.ucsf.EDU (Ira Rampil)
DimWatts is an AfterDark module for Macintosh PowerBook which dims the backlight.
DimWatts is FreeWare!
Copyright 1992 by Ira Rampil, All rights reserved.
AppleLink D2555
Internet ira_rampil@vaxine.ucsf.edu
#### BINHEX dotty-da-doo-111.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 22 May 93 13:25:32 +0200
From: simula3@di.unito.it ( Rodella-Morena)
Subject: [*] DottydaDoo 1.11
Dotty da Doo is an AfterDark™ module that shows some square
dots bouncing horizontally in the screen and creating some
weird superposition effects after a few bounces.
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
#### BINHEX earth-bounce-10.hqx ****
From: "Tron R." <tron@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: EarthBounce.cpt.hqx
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 02:33:10 -0500 (CDT)
EarthBounce 1.0
This is a simple AfterDark module that catapults a small rotating
earth and when the earth falls to the bottom of the screen it
splashes. Hopefully it will amuse someone out there.
It has been tested on a Quadra 700, IIci and PB160. If you want
report a bug or send in your suggestions, please email me at
Chuan Fu
#### BINHEX earth-splash-11.hqx ****
Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 06:09:49 -0800
From: tron@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Subject: EarthSplash1.1.cpt.hqx
EarthSplash 1.1
This is a small AfterDark module that catapults a small rotating earth and
it will make a splash when the earth falls to the bottom of the screen. It
is written based on the CAfterDark object frame work.
It has been tested on a Quadra 700, PB 160 and IIci. If you find a bug or
have an idea for a new screen saver that you want to see, please email me
Chuan Fu
April 24, 1993
#### BINHEX electric-fire.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 17:29:09 -0400
From: trodrigu@spock.ecs.umass.edu (Tao R or Stephen L)
Subject: After Dark Module Upload
Electric Fire - from trodrigu@zonker.ecs.umass.edu - .cpt format
Small, Elegant, Mesmerizing AD Module
This small After Dark module will mesmerize you with a startling variety
of beautiful displays, using textures, colors, patterns and symmetry.
It works very well in black & white, and in color. Electric Fire is a
very polished little module created by Stephen Linhart at Enigma Games
and Dr. Cat at Dragon's Eye Productions, and its your for free!
Electric Fire is Copyright 1992 by Stephen Linhart. This version (1.0)
is Freeware. Needs After Dark.
#### BINHEX fire-flies-101.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 17:53:11 CDT
From: Scott Lindhurst <lindhurs@math.wisc.edu>
Subject: Fireflies-101.hqx (for After Dark)
Fireflies is an After Dark module that simulates Asian
fireflies synchronizing their flashes. It's Freeware.
Version 1.0.1 fixes a bug that could cause crashes when used
with Randomizer.
(Replaces util/ad/fireflies.hqx)
Scott Lindhurst
#### BINHEX flippy-11.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 01:44:36 -0500
From: Geoff Adams <gadams@eng.umd.edu>
Message-Id: <199211240644.AA03109@distortion.eng.umd.edu>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Subject: flippy-11.sit
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Tue, 24 Nov 1992 0:40:51 PST
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
Flippy is an After Dark module which scrambles your screen by flipping portions
of it around in an effect similar to the old rotating gas station signs. It
has several options to control the flipping, and it works on monochrome and
color Macintoshes.
Version 1.1 fixes the error -50 that occurred on some macintoshes in version
1.0. It will also never agin give an out of memory error. Instead, it deals
with it, and corrects itself. The distribution file is also much smaller
now, since it's not self-extracting. You'll need StuffIt 3.0 or an expander
that can deal with the StuffIt 3.0 format.
--Geoff Adams
#### BINHEX flying-eric-ad.hqx ****
From: Eric Hunt <ehunt@scsnet.com>
Subject: AD Flying Eric
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 93 10:39:08 CST
Silly afterdark module.
The Eric referenced is not me! Author happens to also be named Eric.
Eric Hunt | ehunt@scsnet.com (preferred)
Southern Company Services | ehunt@bsc.edu
800 Shades Creek Parkway | "Opinions expressed are not
Birmingham, AL 35209 | those of SCS - I speak for myself"
#### BINHEX flying-eric.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 93 14:38:24 CST
From: nwc1@midway.uchicago.edu
Subject: oops, try again... flying eric ad module take two
flying eric ad module comes with readme...
>This AfterDark module, Flying Eric, was adapted by Eric Weidl,
>programmer for the Biological Sciences Division of the University of
>Chicago. The original module was, of course, Flying Toasters.
>-submitted by n-choe@uchicago.edu, a mere Computing Assistant, who made
>UCDesktopTextures a while back. I'm a U.G. CA working in the BSLC for
>the BSDAC of the UC.
#### BINHEX fractals-133.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 8 Jul 1992 10:24 GMT+1
Subject: [*] Fractals AfterDark Module
Fractals 1.33
by Alessandro Levi Montalcini
uploaded by Alberto Ricci
Fractals (formerly Mandelbrot) is an AfterDark module that generates
fractal images from the well-known Mandelbrot set. It takes full
advantage of math coprocessors and color monitors up to 24-bit, but it
will also run on 68000-based, black & white Macs. The "Regions" dialog
lets you explore the set and zoom in as much as you like to define your
own favourite fractal scenes; a compact on-line help gives you the basic
information needed to create your own pictures. Use the Fractals Mover
application to save your regions in separate files for redistribution.
4.5 times FASTER than the previous version (on a IIcx)!
Fractals Mover and Viewer included!
#### BINHEX frost-and-fire.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 92 17:33:18 -0500
From: Oliver Steele <steele@cambridge.apple.com>
Subject: Frost & Fire (AD Module)
Frost & Fire is an After Dark module that uses a form of video
feedback to produce patterns reminiscent of paint splattering a piece
of spinning paper. It is best on screens with 256 colors or more.
Frost & Fire produces rather different effects in gray scale and in
Frost & Fire is free, but copyrighted. You may not charge for it.
----------------------------Cut Here----------------------------
#### BINHEX have-a-blast-101.hqx ****
From: agoates@nyx.cs.du.edu (Alan Goates)
Subject: Have-A-Blast 1.0.1 for AfterDark...
Organization: Nyx, Public Access Unix (sponsored by U. of Denver Math/CS
Date: Tue, 4 May 93 16:56:41 GMT
I've finally gotten around to fixing a small bug (only two lines
of code changed) in Have-A-Blast. Here it is, now you can use 'repair
damage' without fear of a crash on exiting AfterDark. Oh, and the
sound works better now too...
Play away,
#### BINHEX headlines-101.hqx ****
From: k044477@hobbes.kzoo.edu (Jamie R. McCarthy)
Subject: Headlines 1.0.1
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 92 9:20:58 EST
This is Headlines 1.0.1, the latest version of that After Dark module.
Improvements since 1.0 include:
* no crashes on a System-6 Mac Plus,
* no hangs if given a small window with MultiModule,
* slightly funnier headlines,
* and a number of miscellaneous small things.
The code for this module is separately available.
If you missed it the first time around: Headlines displays randomly-
generated headlines which might have come from tabloids that you find
at the grocery checkout lane. Quite amusing, IMHO. (But then, I'm
biased. :-)
Jamie McCarthy Internet: k044477@kzoo.edu AppleLink: j.mccarthy
#### BINHEX hearts-20.hqx ****
From "Josh P. deCesare <jd5v+@andrew.cmu.edu>" Sat Sep 18 22:49:13 1993
Date: Sat, 18 Sep 1993 14:50:18 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Josh P. deCesare" <jd5v+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Hearts 2.0
)1993 Josh de Cesare
Hearts is an AfterDark* Module for all those people who are to busy being in
Love to use their computer. This module will run on any black & white or color
Mac that has System 7. Hearts looks best in 16 bit color or better, but will run
at any bit depth.
Hearts is Love sick student ware... If you keep it, please send me $5. If you
can't send money, let yourself fall in Love instead, and that will make me happy
Please send your checks to:
Josh de Cesare
2707 Danube Ave.
Davis, CA. 95616
About the $5... I thought it seemed like a fair amount, but if you don't think
so send whatever you would like to. No amount will be turned away... Not even
$0, but in this case you are promising to fall in Love.
If you have any comments, please send them to:
Hearts has been tested on several platforms and is the AfterDark* Module that I
always have selected. It has to my knowledge never caused any problems. If
Hearts , on its own or in part with another program, ever causes a problem, I am
not responsible for any damages that may occur. Once again, I have tested Hearts
and feel that it is safe, and I use it with out any problems.
Love is the most magical and powerful force in existence. Let it flow through
you and from you and, the World and our hearts shall be healed.
#### BINHEX holistic-sofa.hqx ****
From: "Alan Keahey" <tkeahey@whale.cs.indiana.edu>
Subject: AD-Holistic Sofa 0.94
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 92 17:42:28 EST
At the risk of sounding immodest, this After Dark module is a "must
have" for all Douglas Adams fans. Even those who don't know
about Douglas Adams should still get a kick out of it.
Holistic Sofa is a screen saver which attempts to reconcile the
paradox of the sofa stuck in the staircase, as detailed in "Dirk
Gently's Holistic Detective Agency". It uses holistic methods in an
attempt to extricate the sofa. It is the author's hope that if
thousands of people around the world run this program in parallel,
then we can succeed in this task, without having to resort to
all those other things which I can't mention in case I give away
the ending of the book.
Compressed with Compact Pro. hqx'ed with mcvert 1.83.
#### BINHEX invert-shapes-101.hqx ****
From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com
Date: Sat, 9 Oct 93 15:44:10 EDT
Subject: InvertShapes 1.0.1
This is version 1.0.1 of the InvertShapes AfterDark
screensaver module. This version corrects the "random"
feature and the credit string.
Source code is included.
- j.t.judge
#### BINHEX jasik-254.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1993 15:48:35 -0500
From: golub@sgi.siemens.com (JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573)
Subject: jasik 2.5.4
this "after dark" module does not do much to "save" the screen,
but will display the familiar environment of The Debugger from
Jasik Designs, so that you can always appear to be hard at work
send your comments and suggestions to:
joshua golub
62 timber hill road
buffalo grove, il 60089
source code: available on request
inspiration: the best debugger in the world
#### BINHEX kablooie-10.hqx ****
Organization: BAKA Computers Inc.
From: Jakub_Buchowski@baka.ithaca.ny.us (Jakub Buchowski)
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 1992 16:24:40 EST
Subject: Kablooie 1.0
Subject: Kablooie 1.0
Kablooie is an After Dark module that simulates sophisticated fireworks.
Not just little bangers that fly up and go, well . . . bang. Our fireworks
come in eight different colors, can sparkle, launch other fireworks (even
themselves), and do lots of other neat stuff. This module should work on
all machines and configurations provided that you have After Dark* 2.0u or
[BinHex Data Attached (Kablooie 1.0.sit)]
#### BINHEX mars-pict.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 08 Feb 93 19:05:39 GMT
From: Michael Everson <EVERSON%IRLEARN.UCD.IE@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: AfterDark Globe module Martian pict
Here is a pict of Mars which, when pasted into Jack Eastman's
Globe module, spins around and looks very much like Mars.
Anyone interested in a very good story about life on Mars in
the not very distant future, should read Kim Stanley Robinson's
book "Red Mars".
I am not connected with KSR or his publishers, I'm just a
satisfied reader.
Michael Everson
#### BINHEX mathos.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 19 May 93 13:02:17 EDT
From: wang@pennmess.physics.upenn.edu ( Huangxin Wang)
Subject: Mathos AfterDark module
This is a renamed version of an AD module, the original name is
"WallPaper", due to a trademark conflict with "Though I Could"'s
"WallPaper" product, now the new name is "Mathos". (Moderator: please
replace the "WallPaper" AD module in the ftp site by this one.
Thanks!) I hope this can satisfy the lawyer and apologize for any
inconvinience thus caused. Though I should say that I felt a chill
down my spine when I learned the kind-hearted lawyer actually tracked me
down to my school and sent me an enthusiast letter --- I thought I
still lived in the Cultural Revolution in China 25 years ago :-).
Mathos After Dark module is free.
Here is a brief description of what's Mathos:
"Mathos" AfterDark module runs on a color Mac (it won't crash on
Black&White Mac, but just not pretty). It displays a complex color
pattern from coarse to fine) calculated by some complex/number
crunching math formulus.
It automatically dumps out the screen as a PICT file when the screen
pattern is completed at the desired resolution;
(You can turn off this option).
Program written by Huangxin Wang, University of Pennsylvania
#### BINHEX memories.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 11:42:44 EDT
From: Adam Miller <AMILLER@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: Memories.hqx for After Dark
by Adam Miller 1993
This is an After Dark module. It runs great in black and white.
I guarantee you that you have never seen anything like it. It is kind
of freaky sometimes.
Remember, Memories is not available in any store.
#### BINHEX more-fish.hqx ****
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 91 15:51:50 PDT
From: PUGH%CCV.ESNET@ccc.nersc.gov
Subject: [*] More Fish for After Dark
Someone asked for more fish for After Dark. This archive contains
the original fish modules, including Halloween and Christmas fish.
None of these fish are as pretty as the ones included in After Dark
but they are kind of amusing.
#### BINHEX movies-in-the-dark-10.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1992 23:28:33 -0500
From: volaski@contra.med.buffalo.edu
Subject: Movies in the Dark for AfterDark and QuickTime
Introducing Movies in the Dark 1.0, a freeware After Dark module, that
plays QuickTime movies.
It can play QuickTime movie files (or aliases to them) from a specified
folder in order or randomly. Options also include playing at normal or
desktop size and a volume control.
Maurice Volaski
#### BINHEX neko.hqx ****
From: ypay@leland.stanford.edu
Subject: Neko for AfterDark
Date: Fri, 10 May 91 9:35:31 BST
I was very surprised to see the recent post of the After Dark Gengi module to
this board a few days ago. I had written a Neko module for After Dark, also,
and I too was waiting for permission to use the graphics.
So here is my module. It has four parameters - Cats (1-10), Mice (0-10), and
'smart cats' and 'smart prey.' The Smart options let the cats chase the mice
and the prey run from the cats.
Just in case anyone is interested, the source code and japanese comments for
the Xwindows version are available under anonymous FTP from jyu.fi. If anyone
knows of an FTP site in the US with them, let me know.
I hope you all enjoy this. Comments and ideas are always welcome.
Dan Cory
#### BINHEX orbs-return-202.hqx ****
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 17:29:45 -0400
From: trodrigu@spock.ecs.umass.edu (Tao R or Stephen L)
Subject: After Dark Module Upload
The Orbs Return 2.0.2 - from trodrigu@zonker.ecs.umass.edu - .cpt format
Colorful 3-D Gravitational AD Module
This strange and wonderful After Dark module is like a cross between
a 3-D gravitational simulation and frenetic Macintosh pets. This is the
sequel to 'The Orbs' Desk Accessory, now with color, sound, bouncing,
trails, variable gravity, control of the boundaries of space, good speed
performance on slow Macs, and colorful Orbs. The Orbs Return is
Copyright 1992 by Stephen Linhart. This version (2.0.1) is Freeware.
Needs After Dark.
2.0.2 works correctly with Randomizer (even on the LC).
#### BINHEX oura-qt.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 93 15:58 +1300
From: "Lawrence D'Oliveiro, Waikato University, Hamilton, NZ"
Subject: info-mac/util/ad/oura-qt.hqx
Here's a resubmission of OURA QT, my QuickTime movie player for After Dark.
Lawrence D'Oliveiro
Computer Services Dept
University of Waikato
New Zealand
#### BINHEX paw-paw-13b3.hqx ****
Date: 29 Mar 1993 08:37:20 -0500 (EST)
From: Aaron Barnett <C2MXBAR@FRE.TOWSON.EDU>
Subject: pawpaw 1.3b3
Here is PawPaw 1.3b3. I claim that it fixes some memory management
problems(we'll see). Please replace the archive PawPaw.hqx
I also responded to some suggestions: screen blanks after all paws are
off the screen, all controls now effect the module during demo, and
paws may hike across multiple monitors.
Thanks again. Let me know how it works.
#### BINHEX peek-a-boo-111-to-112-updt.hqx ****
From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 21:48:35 EDT
Subject: PeekABoo 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 patch
This is the PATCH to bring the Peek-a-boo version 1.1.1
AfterDark (tm) screensaver module to version 1.1.2.
Version 1.1.2 will run successfully under Randomizer and
- joe
#### BINHEX peek-a-boo-112.hqx ****
From: joe@clipper.cb.att.com
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 21:46:32 EDT
Subject: PeekaBoo AD module 1.1.2
PeekABoo version 1.1.2 AfterDark(tm) screensaver module.
This version will run under Multimodule and Randomizer !!
For those already with version 1.1.1, I'm submitting a patch
to update that version. Download the patch instead - it's
smaller :)
Source code is included. This is FREE. Requires Color Quickdraw
(+ System 7 ??) because it uses offscreen graphics worlds.
- joe
#### BINHEX pics-3d.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 91 10:58:03 PDT
From: Robert Letterman <robertl@skat.usc.edu>
Subject: posting for after dark
Here is a pics file of a 3D animation that was rendered on the mac. It is to
be used with After Dark's Pics player.
#### BINHEX planet-maker-10.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 92 02:09:07 EDT
From: Adam Miller <AMILLER@YaleVM.YCC.Yale.Edu>
Subject: Planetmaker
Planetmaker 1.0
Copyright 1992 Adam Miller
This AfterDark module generates fractal planets, and is absolutely incredibly
beautiful. It uses an earthquake / sine wave algorithm, resulting in a
wondrous topography with perfect resolution and continuity.
This module only runs in color / grayscale. Try it. Let it run for a while.
#### BINHEX power-down-11.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1992 19:15:56 -0600
From: walkowsk@cs.uiuc.edu (Dan Walkowski)
Subject: PowerDown 1.1
I just realized that the version on sumex isn't the latest. Here it is.
(The only change from 1.0 is better error handling)
PowerDown is an After Dark module that issues a shutdown command to the
Finder after a specified delay. When the shutdown is to occur, you get a
10 second period (with accompanying flashing message and obnoxious sound)
in which you can cancel the shutdown.
Any dialogs (save, etc.) that come up will halt the shutdown, but the
screen will remain black. If this isn't satisfactory, you can use one of
my other handy utilities, Okey Dokey, which hits the default button in a
dialog after a specified delay. It is a control Panel, and is available
here on sumex.
Dan Walkowski
Dan Walkowski
University of Illinois Dept. of Computer Science
#### BINHEX ram-101.hqx ****
From "golub@sgi.siemens.com (JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573)" Tue Aug 24 17:03:28 1993
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1993 11:34:04 -0500
From: golub@sgi.siemens.com (JOSHUA GOLUB 708-304-7573)
Subject: RAM 1.0.1
"RAM" displays the contents of RAM one page at a time. the user
can control the length of the pause between pages and the font
size of the display.
send your comments and suggestions to:
joshua golub
62 timber hill road
buffalo grove, il 60089
source code: available on request
#### BINHEX reality.hqx ****
From: alanc@ocf.berkeley.edu (Alan Coopersmith)
Date: Wed, 7 Aug 91 18:50:28 PDT
Subject: Reality.cpt.hqx
Reality After Dark Module
Happiware by Jon Rotenstein
#### BINHEX robs-eyes.hqx ****
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 18:57:10 PST
Subject: Rob's eyes PICS file
According to Grant Bowman <grantbow@netcom.com>,
> This is Rob's Eyes, done by Robert Letterman about 2 years ago.
> robertl@skat.usc.edu, if he's still there.
Oh, yes, it a PICS file that is IMHO suitable for use with After Dark.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
-------------------------------cut here-------------------------------
#### BINHEX robs-spin.hqx ****
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 19:07:52 PST
Subject: Rob's spin PICS file
Here's a PICS file, `Rob's spin,' I use with After Dark that used to be in the
archives, but I don't see it there now. It's of a spinning polyhedron with a
bouncing apple(?). IMHO very nice, and certainly less boring than the Rotating
Cube PICS that came with AD. I don't recall who rendered it, but I wouldn't be
surprised if it's Robert Letterman (<robertl@skat.usc.edu> about 2 years ago),
the same chap who did Rob's eyes (posted a few moments ago).
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
-------------------------------cut here-------------------------------
#### BINHEX satellite-images.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 93 09:58:20 CDT
From: judith@utig.ig.utexas.edu (Judith Haller)
Subject: Satellite Image Screen Savers
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
This archive contains 9 screen saver modules for After Dark or Darkside
4.1. Each one is a rotating globe displaying satellite-derived measurements
of surface temperature, cloud cover, precipitation, or other Earth
The original data sets were acquired and processed by numerous unrelated
Federal and University projects. Gene Carl Feldman of NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center borrowed from the collection to create these modules, and he
graciously agreed to let all of us enjoy them. He plans to add more as time
allows. He archives them at manono.gsfc.nasa.gov.
Load the sampler file to view the whole set.
J. Haller
Institute for Geophysics
University of Texas at Austin
Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="SatelliteImageScreensavers.sea"
#### BINHEX saw-11.hqx ****
From: djz@cbusa.att.com
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 93 23:11 EDT
Subject: Saw 1.1 AfterDark Module
This is Saw 1.1, an AfterDark module that I have written. It
repeatedly saws a strip from the bottom of your screen, until
the screen is blank. Includes an optional power saw sound.
Version 1.1 saws both left-to-right and right-to-left and has
a multimonitor bug fixed.
FreeWare, requires ColorQuickDraw.
Packaged with StuffIt Deluxe.
Danny J. Zerkel
#### BINHEX screen-savor-101-demo.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 92 17:35:11 PDT
From: mbg3b2!mifp@uunet.UU.NET (David S. Perednia)
Subject: ScreenSavor Demo v1.0.1
To the Archive Moderator:
Please accept for submission this demo release of ScreenSavor, the
NEW place to go After Dark, by MIFP Development. The following short
description can be included in any organized communication, such as
the info-mac digest. The best place to put ScreenSavor is in the
common Macintosh demo pool of your archive (/info-mac/demo).
Thank You!
MIFP Development is now shipping ScreenSavor, a new
screen saver program that serially displays
high-quality full-color photographs. The program is
unique for its large library of outstanding
photographs, clever use of display effects, high degree
of controllability, and incorporation of Apple's
QuickTime compression/decompression technology.
ScreenSavor functions as an add-on accessory to the
best-selling utilities After Dark or Star Trek: The
Screen Saver, by Berkeley Systems, Inc. and can also be
used with Intermission, by ICOM Simulations.
The Images
Most screen savers function by displaying a changing
pattern of screen "art", such as colored patterns,
animated cartoons, or printed messages. ScreenSavor is
the first commercial program to use collections of
high-quality photographs to preserve monitor screens.
Each application package comes with a Sampler Image Set
of twelve photos. MIFP offers many additional add-on
collections of photographs assembled into image sets of
subject themes, such as wild animals and birds,
underwater images of fish and coral reefs, aircraft,
scenic vistas, space and butterflies. ScreenSavor
images have been exclusively licensed from many
world-renowned artists.
Program Features
MIFP's program easily surpasses the simple display
capabilities of After Dark's "Slide Show" module with
its large collection of user-controllable "display
effects". Either one or four images may be displayed on
the screen simultaneously; photos are changed by
setting an agenda of one or more display effect methods.
Display effect techniques include Dissolve,
Pix-By-Pixel, Zoom, Color-By-Number, Push-'N-Shove,
Snow, and more. The images to be shown, order of display,
speed of display, hold time, and replacement method are
all completely controllable.
Using the Demo
ScreenSavor will run on any color-capable Macintosh computer,
including the Classic II, LC, Quadra, and all II-series platforms.
This demo version has been made into a self-extracting archive using
Compact Pro 1.33, and put into BinHex 4.0 format. Simply download
the archive, use your favorite archive utility to convert back to
binary form (UnBinHex), and double-click to extract. Then, follow
the documentation to install. To purchase the program, contact your
local software retailer or order from MIFP directly by calling
#### BINHEX sierpinskis-gasket-11.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1993 22:40:46 -0700
From: ugwmcstd01@mtvms2.mtech.edu (THE MIDGRAD)
Dear info-mac moderators,
This file should replace the file seirpenskis-gasket.hqx.
The new one should be called sierpinskis-gasket11.hqx
This is an after dark screen saver module. It is based on a fractal
and seems to run errorless. I have added a couple of new features
and is definitely worth downloading if you liked the last one.
Added some enhancements, as well as correcting the misspelling
of Sierpinski's name.
The athor:
David L. Thompson
email: d_thompson@wmc.edu
#### BINHEX slinkicizer.hqx ****
From: ffdkl@acad3.alaska.edu (LaSota Daniel K)
Subject: Slinkicizer
Organization: University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Date: Tue, 6 Aug 1991 01:18:37 GMT
Included is a stuffedf binhexed folder containing an After Dark
module along with the source code in MPW Pascal.
Please post and have fun!
Dan LaSota
Ant Man!
#### BINHEX son-of-flippy.hqx ****
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 92 16:51:29 +0100
From: Jay Rolls <jrolls@frg.bbn.com>
Subject: [*] Son of Flippy afterdark module
Enclosed is Son of Flippy, an After Dark module. This is a variation of
Geoff Adam's Flippy module, which flips tiles on the screen. Will only
run under System 6.0.5 or later and not on Powerbook 100s. Looks
especially nice on color/gray scale screens.
#### BINHEX sparkler.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 92 16:49:29 EDT
From: wessler@das.harvard.edu (Mike Wessler)
Subject: Sparkler After Dark module
This is an After Dark module I wrote, called Sparkler. It looks a bit like
one of those holiday sparkler things without the stick. The current version
may or may not work on a multiple monitor setup; I haven't had the chance
to try it. Enjoy. Mac Classic users should try ~500 particles; Mac II
users can try 1500 and up. (My IIsi runs nicely with 2000.)
(This BinHex file created by DownLine 1.1)
#### BINHEX star-trek.hqx ****
Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1991 23:17:26 -0700 (MST)
From: DHF@alpha.sunquest.com (dave)
Subject: startrek AD module re-post
In my original post I sent the wrong file
for the StarTrek AD multi-module.
Below is a BinHexed .sit file that
contains the AD multimodule and the picture
of the Enterprise. The multimodule is simply a
combination of Warp! and the c.startrek picture
(using PictureFrame).
Dave Foard
---------------- cut here -----------------------
#### BINHEX terrain-maker-20.hqx ****
Organization: BAKA Computers Inc
From: Jakub Buchowski <Jakub_Buchowski@baka.ithaca.ny.us>
Date: Mon, 23 Sep 1991 18:22:31 EDT
Subject: TerrainMaker 2.0
Subject: TerrainMaker 2.0
Date: 9/23/91 Time: 6:04 PM
TerrainMaker 2.0 is a module for After Dark* version 2.0. It generates a
fractal landscape using rivers, canyons, mountains, and lakes. You can even
choose to have the lakes and rivers filled with raw, toxic sludge! (Our
environmental twist.)
Version 2.0 of TerrainMaker fixes all reported bugs, plus some more we found
ourselves. Instead of drawing in two halves, we draw in the other direction
just once. This fixes some ugly display problems. Also, version 2.0
doesn't run off the right side of large monitors. Some setting problems
have been fixed. As a bonus feature, TerrainMaker 2.0 supports multiple
monitors (probably something to do with the fact that one of us just got a
second monitor). The generation algorithms have been made better, faster,
and more efficient. Of course, we now support rivers, canyons, and sludge.
To make this module better for you, we have given you powerful control over
the settings. For people that don't have 24-bit color (unlike us, hehehe)
we have included some color look-up tables. We take advantage of the FPU if
it's available. At the request of many users, we have sped up our module's
response time when you wish to stop it (though God knows why you'd want to).
#### BINHEX trigo-12.hqx ****
From: pooh@brokendrum.stack.urc.tue.nl (Ernst 'pooh' Mulder)
Subject: Trigo 1.2
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1993 00:19:42 +0100
Organization: the broken drum
This is a rewrite for AfterDark of a screensaver I wrote for the
Apple // back in the old days. It's also FreeWare.
Trigo replaces 'yaadm.hqx', also present in the archives.
It phase-shifts a plot of the function:
x = cos (w1 * omega + f1) * cos (w2 * omega + f2)
y = cos (w3 * omega + f3) * cos (w4 * omega + f4)
You can add your own function parameters to Trigo, but you need ResEdit
to do so. The figure data is stored in 'TRIG' resources, editable using
the included template. These resources need to be numbered consecutive
starting at ID=1. The first time Trigo encounters your new parameters,
it pre-calculates its data and stores it in 'CALC' resources. Don't
forget to edit the corresponding 'MENU' resource! Happy Hacking :-)
1.0: Initial release
1.1: Trigo now, by request of Lloyd Wood <L.H.Wood@lut.ac.uk>,
supports Colour. You can choose between not using colours,
using plain colours, and using wild colours.
1.2: Changed colouring scheme a little, and added dot-sizes up to 5x5.
/* internet: pooh@stack.urc.tue.nl * snail mail: Hoogstraat 214 *
* pooh@es.ele.tue.nl * 5615 PX Eindhoven *
* telephone: +31 40-572314 (home) * the Netherlands *
* +31 40-446969 (work) */
---------------------- { BEGIN } ----------------------
#### BINHEX voice-waker-103.hqx ****
Date: Tue, 12 May 1992 14:26 GMT+1
Subject: [*] VoiceWaker After Dark Module (GREAT!)
VoiceWaker 1.03
by Alessandro Levi Montalcini
Shareware $5 cash
VoiceWaker is a cool new AfterDark module that will let any
microphone-equipped Macintosh wake up at the sound of his master's
voice (or anybody else's). It works fine with the built-in microphone
of the new Macs and with Farallon's MacRecorder, as long as the
MacRecorder Driver is installed in the Extensions folder.
In screen-saver mode, VoiceWaker either dims the screen to a constant
brightness or makes it follow the input volume. If the main monitor
can't dim, it only obscures the screen. As soon as the sound input
level gets higher than the selected wake-up volume, VoiceWaker wakes
up your Macintosh by moving the mouse position. If the "Center cursor"
option is checked, the mouse is centered on the screen; otherwise, it
will move a few pixels away from its previous position.
VoiceWaker doesn't generate any graphics, unless you're in caps-lock
mode. If used alone, it will only fade out or black out the screen and
wait for a sound input or any of the usual wake-up events. By using
the MultiModule module, however, you can add the voice-wake-up
function to any other module, including the Randomizer: just place
VoiceWaker in the background and cover it with an opaque screen. If
the "follow volume" option is checked, the other modules' brightness
will also follow the sound input level (the resulting effect depends
on the other modules you select: it can be nice with some modules like
Spotlight and it can be messy with others). Note that modules that
perform lengthy calculations may be kinda deaf... (you can
approximately figure out how often the volume is checked by observing
the level bar in caps-lock mode).
#### BINHEX warp-factor.hqx ****
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 92 23:08:23 -0500
From: bendertm@mentor.cc.purdue.edu (Todd M Bender)
Subject: Warp Factor
Warp Factor is a simple After Dark module that attempts to
recreate the rushing star field seen in Star Trek: The Next
Written by Todd M Bender (bendertm@mentor.cc.purdue.edu)